Groundwater is the principal water supply for Jefferson County municipalities, industries, and rural residents. While municipal water supplies are regularly monitored and required to meet drinking water standards, private well owners are responsible for deciding when to test, what to test for, and what to do if there is a problem. This work summarizes a one-year effort of Jefferson County and the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education to characterize well water quality accessed by Jefferson County residents. The information will be used to assist rural residents with the management of groundwater and private well water systems for common well water quality problems and better understand how land use and geology are impacting this important resource.
This work provides a robust baseline dataset of well water quality in Jefferson County for common health and aesthetic water quality concerns of rural residents of Wisconsin. The data can be used to effectively target well water outreach and testing in areas that are more at risk for nitrate and other contaminants such as arsenic. In addition, predictive models help to provide insight into well water quality throughout the county for nitrate and chloride. Lastly, the information outlines recommendations for future outreach and land management efforts in Jefferson County.