We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in assisting with the following activities. Please Contact Us by calling the Lake District at (608) 423-4537 or email us at [email protected] for more information.
Citizen "Lake Watch"
Lake Watch volunteers are needed to help monitor and document lake usage throughout the summer boating season. Participants must have access to a boat, and are asked to dedicate a few hours each month observing and reporting on boating activities. Incident reports detailing suspected rule violations are forwarded to local authorities for possible enforcement action. Modeled after the widely successful Neighborhood Watch, this program aims to improve water safety, safeguard lake quality, and facilitate emergency response in the event of an accident or unsafe boating behavior.
Clean Boats, Clean Waters
"Clean Boats, Clean Waters" is a boat launch monitoring and educational outreach program. We are looking for volunteers to (1) help inspect boats and trailers for aquatic invasive species like zebra mussels, (2) distribute informational brochures, and (3) collect and report suspect specimens. Volunteers would be trained on invasive species identification for the purpose of inspecting boating equipment at the public boat landing.
Financial Contributions
The Lake District gratefully accepts donations to support our ongoing lake-improvement efforts. Donations are recognized as tax-deductible charitable contributions by the Internal Revenue Service. To make a donation to our general fund, click the donate white donate button or please send your check made payable to the Lake Ripley Management District at N4450 County Rd. A, Cambridge, WI 53523. Your financial support is greatly appreciated!
For more information please contact our Lake Manager at (608) 423-4537 or via email at [email protected].
Lake District Preserve
The Lake District Preserve is a public nature conservancy accessible from County Rd. A just north of Ripley Rd. It contains 207 acres of restored wetland, prairie and woodland habitat. This prior agricultural land was acquired by the Lake Ripley Management District in 1997. Most tasks at the Preserve are seasonal and weather dependent. There are a variety of tasks that we do, ranging from “heavy duty” (like chain-sawing) to “medium duty” (like lopping) to “light duty” (like collecting seeds). Volunteers are needed to help monitor wildlife and plant communities, harvest prairie seed, clean and inspect birdhouses, assemble educational materials for trail kiosks, and remove invasive plant species.
Litter Cleanups
Volunteers are needed to help pick up litter and other debris that collects along the shorelines of Lake Ripley and Koshkonong Creek, as well as area parks and roadsides.
Public Opinion Surveys
Various cross-sections of the public are occassionally surveyed through interviews or questionnaires to gather information. Previous surveys have focused on Lake District and watershed residents, lakefront property owners, anglers, and the local boating community. The Lake District uses public feedback to develop and improve upon existing management programs. Volunteers with good interpersonal communication skills are needed to assist with such efforts.
Shoreline Restorations and Rain Garden Plantings
The Lake District routinely assists landowners around the lake in restoring their shorelines or planting rain gardens. We are often looking for volunteers who are not afraid to get their hands dirty or engage in physical labor. Work typically involves planting native plant plugs, weeding, spreading mulch, watering, installing erosion control, etc.
Water Quality Monitoring
Water quality tests are conducted on a year-round basis at the inlet, over the deepest point of the lake, and at the outlet. Testing parameters may include water clarity, dissolved oxygen, inflow/outflow rates, macroinvertebrates, water temperature profiles, pH, alkalinity, phosphorus concentration, etc. Self-directed volunteers with access to a boat are needed to help perform the sampling. The Lake District would provide the training and furnish all necessary sampling gear.