What is the Lake Ripley Management District?
The Lake Ripley Management District (LRMD) was formed in 1990 under the authority of Chapter 33 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Its purpose is to help ensure the protection and effective management of Lake Ripley. The District is a local, special-purpose unit of government that serves close to 2,000 property owners around the lake. District boundaries closely follow those of the Oakland Sanitary District, and incorporate slightly less than one-half of the total watershed area. It is roughly bounded by USH 18 to the north, USH 12 to the south, Simonsen St. to the west, and County Rd. A to the east.

Operational funding may be derived from a combination of local tax dollars, grant awards, private donations, and special assessments or charges. The District is authorized to levy a maximum of 2.5 mills to finance projects that maintain and improve the quality of life on and around Lake Ripley. However, to date, the actual mill rate has remained at or below 0.5 mill. Although the Lake District represents about 7% of the land area in Oakland Township, it accounts for nearly 70% of the township's total assessed valuation. This fact highlights the lake's regional significance not only as a popular recreational destination, but also as a magnet for development and economic opportunity.